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Henbury, Iron meteorite, Medium Octhahedrite, IIIA type
(ENG) Henbury, Iron meteorite, Medium Ochtahedrite, IIIA type The Widmansstätten pattern is cl.....

Meteorite Oxide Crust
(ENG) Meteorite Oxide Crust Origin: Lake Murray, Oklahoma (NED) Meteotiet Oxide Korst Herkomst: .....

Meteorite Oxide Crust
(ENG) Meteorite Oxide Crust Weight: 48 gram Origin: From the iron meteorites Allende, Mexic.....

Meteorite Oxide Crust
(ENG) Meteorite Oxide Crust Origin: Meteor Crater, Arizona (NED) Meteoriet Oxide.....

Millbillillie, Stony meteorite, Eucrite / Achondite
(ENG) Millbillillie Stony meteorite, Eucrite / Achondite Weight: 67 gram Origin: Nullar.....

Mundrabilla, Nickel / Iron meteorite (Iranorm type)
(ENG) Mundrabilla, Nickel / Iron meteorite (Iranom type) Found in 1911 Weight: 102 gram Origin: N.....

Nickel / Iron meteorite
(ENG) Nickel / Iron meteorite This is a coarse octahedrite, meaning it has the largest crystal siz.....

Stone / Iron / Nickel meteorite
(ENG) Stone / Iron / Nickel meteorite Weight: 160 gram Origin: Zagora (Kem Kem formati.....

Stony Meteorite, Achondrite / Eucrite (metal rich)
(ENG) Stony Meteorite, Achondrite / Eucrite (metal rich) Found in 1985 This is a very unusual meta.....

Tektite, Darwinglas (officialy Queenstownites)
(ENG) Tektite, Darwinglas (officially Queenstownites) Weight: 1 gram Origin: Macquarie Harbo.....

Tektite, Darwinglas (officialy Queenstownites)
(ENG) Tektite, Darwinglas (officially Queenstownites) Weight: 15 gram Origin: Macquarie Harb.....

Tektite, Indochinite. About 8 million years old
(ENG) Tektite, Indochinite, About 8 million years old Weight: 18 gram Origin: Thailand (NED.....

Tektite, Indochinite. About 8 million years old
(ENG) Tektite, Indochinite, About 8 million years old Weight: 37 gram Origin: Thailand (NED) Tek.....

Tektite, Indochinite. About 8 million years old
(ENG) Tektite, Indochinite, About 8 million years old Weight: 43 gram Origin: Thailand (NED.....

Tektite, Indochinite. About 8 million years old
(ENG) Tektite, Indochinite, About 8 million years old Weight: 24 gram Origin: Thailand (NED.....

Tektite, Indochinite. About 8 million years old
(ENG) Tektite, Indochinite, About 8 million years old Weight: 24 gram Origin: Thailand (NED.....

Tektite, Indochinite. About 8 million years old
(ENG) Tektite, Indochinite, About 8 million years old Weight: 18 gram Origin: Thailand (NED.....

Tektite, Indochinite. About 8 million years old
(ENG) Tektite, Indochinite, About 8 million years old Weight: 47 gram Origin: Thailand (NED) Tek.....

Tektite, so-called Chinese Moldavite, rare. About 14.7 million years old
(ENG) Tektite, so-called "Chinese Moldavite", rare. About 14.7 million years o.....

Tuxtuac, Stony meteorite, LL5 Chondrite / Amphoterite
(ENG) Tuxtuac Stony meteorite, LL5 Chondrite / Amphoterite Fallen to Earth on October 16, 1975 Thi.....